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General update

A few offers of membership were not taken up by the closing date of the 5th June resulting in additional offers being sent out to the next people on the waiting list. Please look in your in boxes, spam and trash folders to check if you received an offer. Anybody who was unsuccessful will automatically be kept on the waiting list for next year.

We have seen a generally good start to our season at Reydon although the weather seems to be playing its part and not in a good way.

The carp have spawned at different times on the three main pits although it looks as though the changing conditions paused things on pit 2 and they are waiting for favourable conditions to return to have another go. Consequently Pit 2 has been slow but the odd fish to 25lb plus has shown.

Some good catches reported on Pit 1 but Pit 4 is still showing the way with several 20lb plus fish and up to 8 fish to mid doubles in a session.

Fishing for silvers and tench remains good with Peter Turrell having a good mixed bag on Pit 2 including rudd to a pound and the first reported crucian to come out of the water Some good bream and tench also being reported.

Pit 1 has seen good mixed bags of roach, rudd and ide as well as both bream and tench reported to 4lb plus. A couple of 2lb plus crucians have also shown.

Maintenance work continues on the complex with 4 swims being cleared on Pit 3, remember this pit will be closed in 2 or 3 months for major redevelopment so if you want to give it a try, now's the time. Our contractor starts general maintenance on the site this week, please co-operate with him when he is cutting paths and undergrowth.

As is normally the case this time of year, interest in joining the waiting list is growing with several applications received in recent days. If you are interested in joining then please print an application form off from the membership pages of our website.



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