
Match Programme 2021 - 2022
As this is the first season for many years that we have had a Match Secretary and match programme some of the existing trophies have been reallocated to suit the programme as follows. Note – whole water will be closed unless specified by peg numbers.
Match Secretary Shield, Summer Series - total weight from 3 out of 4 matches.
Sunday 30th May - Kessingland Lake - fish 9am till 2pm (Includes Senior Challenge Cup)
Saturday 5th June - Kessingland Lake - fish 9am till 2pm
Friday 18th June - Sherwood Water (Reydon Pit 1) - fish 6pm till 9pm - Pegs 14 to 27 - Re-scheduled for Sunday the 5th of September.
Friday 9th July - Sherwood Water (Reydon Pit 1) - fish 6pm till 9pm - Pegs 14 to 27 (Includes Peter Sherwood Memorial Bowl)
Committee Cup
Sunday 5th September - Sherwood Water (Reydon Pit 1) - fish 9am till 2pm - Pegs 14 to 27
Visiting Club – Shell
Sunday 12th September – Sherwood Water (Reydon Pit 1)
Joe Rouse Shield, Spring Series - total weight from 2 out of 3 matches.
Saturday 16th April - Kessingland Lake - fish 9am till 2pm
Sunday 1st May - Kessingland Lake - fish 9am till 2pm (Includes Kessingland News Cup)
Sunday 15th May - Kessingland Lake - fish 9am till 2pm (Includes A. Wright Transport Cup)
Booking for each match will be opened 14days prior to the match. To book a match visit the Events page of this website, select the match and RSVP to confirm. Limited spaces are available and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, booking will close once all spaces have been allocated. Entry fee for matches, unless stated - £1.00 except for juniors.
Please read all Match Rules thoroughly before attending.
Please contact Match Secretary Toby Samkin on 07850 414485 if you have any queries