Just a quick update and a thank you to all of our members who renewed membership this year and took the opportunity to participate in the Society AGM by using their proxy votes (due to Covid restrictions).
The Committee and Officers met virtually on the 3rd December and, with the Chairman having had a very healthy 74 proxy voting slips returned, it made for a successful evening.
The minutes of the 2019 AGM were agreed unanimously, as was the Chairman and Treasurers reports, the election of Officers, the proposal that all unhooking mats must be padded and agreement for the Committee to develop and adopt a risk assessment, all be it that the latter had one abstention.
All other proposals were also agreed with the proposal to increase subscriptions carried by 66 votes to 11, the proposal to make junior subscriptions free carried by 68 votes to 9, the proposal to keep joining fees the same carried by 76 votes to 1 and the proposed increase in day and guest membership tickets carried by 75 to 2 votes.
Assistant Membership Secretary Beverly Reid was asked to draw one of the returned proxy voting slips from the hat with member Carl Hawes being the lucky winner of one years free subscription.
That brought the AGM to a close with the observation being made that the proxy process had worked very well and might have to be considered again for the 2021, should the Covid situation not improve sufficiently by the end of March.
Barry Reid - Chairman