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AGM update

Many thanks to members who have already returned their proxy voting slips for this years AGM. For those that haven't, please remember that for them to be included they must be received by the Chairman by mid-day on Monday 5th April to allow for processed ahead of the AGM on the 8th April.

Subscription levels will be confirmed at the AGM and, in order to maintain your membership, must be paid no later than midnight on the 15th May. If a cash payment is made it is advisable to sellotape any coins to a piece of card. Please note that junior members wishing to maintain their membership must return the paying in slip even if the AGM confirms their subscriptions as free.

The waiting list to join the Society has increased significantly with 70 now on the list. This means that if existing members fail to renew on time it is quite possible that they will not be able to rejoin this year.

Confirmation of the decisions made at the AGM will be shared on Facebook and the Society website shortly after the meeting.

Barry Reid




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