Chairman Barry Reid was delighted to welcome those present to the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Society, the evening was made even more special as it was the first after a two year break due to Covid.
Prior the main business, a minutes silence was held to remember two members who had sadly passed away during the last twelve months. Founder member Ron Orchard had served on the Committee for 31 of his 49 years of membership whilst Alan Morrison, who joined in 2011, served for 3 years as a Committee Member and a further 3 as Match Secretary.
The Chairman gave his report reflecting on the achievements and challenges of the previous year but also looking forward to a range of major works that the Committee had, over the years, identified as being needed to improve the Reydon site but that had required funding. It was proposed to bundle these together in a project to be known as the 50th Anniversary Project.
The treasurers report was presented and showed a healthy position with donations and day membership income both up on last year. The closing balance was certainly sufficient to start delivering the projects identified. Some £7,200 had been spent on fish stocks but no expenditure was expected on this item in the next year.
Match Secretary Toby Samkin reported that three matches had been fished but unfortunately they had not been supported as well as had been hoped. A change in his work pattern had also meant that he could no longer carry on as Match Secretary. He thanked those who had supported the matches that had been run.
President Graham Denny reflected on the history of the Society and how it had developed from its birth as Henham and District AC in 1972 when Peter Sherwood was approached by the then Lord Stradbroke to set it up. He also remembered his father, William Denny, who had preceded himself as President of the Society and gifted the land to develop pits 3 and 4 as part of the Buss Creek Project. Sadly, neither Peter nor his father lived to see the delivery of that project as they passed away in 1984 and 1988 respectively. The delivery of the project in 1989 confirmed the Societies ability to deliver major projects and he was pleased that its running still remained in good hands.
All of those present supported the proposed increases in subscription levels meaning seniors are now £58, Senior Citizens (over 65 on 16th June), Disabled and Intermediates (under 19 on 16th June) £44. Juniors remain free for subscriptions but donations are encouraged. All joining fees, day memberships and guest membership prices remain unchanged.
Finally, there was unanimous support to develop and deliver the 50th Anniversary Project.
Apart from the vacant Match Secretary position (and Junior Committee position) all Officers had offered themselves for re-election and were re-elected. Committee Members Cliff Waller, Dean Bridges, Steve Lerpiniere and James Samkin had reached the end of their 3 year term but were re-elected. Ivan Julings was confirmed as a Committee Member having been previously co-opted by the Committee and Toby Samkin was newly elected to the Committee.
Mrs Bridget Denny presented match trophies as follows - Peter Sherwood Memoral Bowl - Ivan Julings, Senior Challenge Cup - Ivan Julings, Match Secretaries Shield - Steve Hurren.
She was then invited to draw the raffle which raised £106.
Members are reminded that subscriptions are now due and need to be paid by midnight on 15th May (cash or cheques accepted). Unfilled places will immediately be offered to those on the waiting list.