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Reports continue to come in confirming that both our Reydon and Kessingland sites continue to deliver some quality fishing.

Bream in the 5lb to 6lb bracket continue to show at Kessingland with occasional fish over 7lb as well as tench around the 3lb mark and some larger than usual rudd.

The tench fishing at Reydon is better than it has been for several years with bags of tench being caught throughout the day, good roach and bream showing in pit 1 along with numerous quality carp from pits 1, 2 and 4, pit 1 for multiple catches (see previous posts) and the occasional decent crucian carp.

Pete Turrell caught a nice bag of Pit 1 roach earlier this week.


Chairman Barry Reid had a quality mixed bag in a two and a half hour evening tench fishing session on Thursday.

Fishing a sliding float, a couple of tench in the 2 and a half to 3 and a half pound range were followed by a common carp of around 5lb. Next up was a beautifully golden coloured crucian of 2lb 2oz, a personal best. The session ended in an exciting fashion with a 16lb 13oz common eventually coming to the net.

Thanks to member Jed Trapp for assisting with scales and photographs.

and... OWL BOX

Following on from the success of the bird boxes he provided for the Reydon site (all four were occupied this year) member Dave Freeman thought he would try something bigger.

We will be looking to putting it in position during the Autumn / Winter, obviously opening up the access door, but in the meantime, thank you Dave for your considerable effort.



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