Will Society members please note that due to the Covid 19 restrictions the above meetings that were due to be held on the 26th November 2020 have been cancelled.
In order to formalise business that would have been dealt with at either the AGM or EGM, the committee will hold a virtual meeting on the 3rd December 2020.
Everybody who was a Society member in the 2019 - 20 season and renewed their membership by this year's closing date of the 15th June, will receive a letter giving them the opportunity to authorise the Chairman to use a proxy vote on their behalf at the virtual meeting.
For those who receive this letter we would urge you to continue to support your Society by returning it to the Chairman by the 30th November. As we normally give a prize of a free year's subscription in the AGM raffle, it has been decided to have a free draw with the same prize for those that return the proxy forms.
For those who no longer have their copy of the AGM invite with the previous AGM's minutes, Chairman and Treasurers reports etc, these can be accessed in the Members Forum section of the website under Member Notices. Society members who have not yet registered as website members will first have to Sign Up via the Login in button (Top Right) on the Home page of the website at https://www.southwoldanddistrictfaps.co.uk/. Website members can access the AGM invite via the direct link https://www.southwoldanddistrictfaps.co.uk/forum/member-notices/agm-invite-2020
If anybody has any problems getting information they need then please, in the first instance, contact the Chairman.