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As we approach the end of the bird nesting season the Society turns it attention to completion of phase 1 of the installation of pre-planted coir rolls to help reduce erosion of the bank following removal of the gorse.

This work is being programmed for over two consecutive Saturdays being the 7th and 14th September. The water will be closed from 8am and reopen at 5pm on both of these days although things may change if work is completed on the first day. That will be reliant on the number of volunteers we get to come and help so please get in touch with Jed, our Head Water Bailiff, if you can lend a hand.

In addition, we are about to arrange for delivery of the coir rolls on either the 4th or 5th September. We will need 3 or 4 people to help unload with a pre-arranged hour long time slot for delivery. The unloading takes about 30 minutes. If you can help with this please contact Barry Reid.


Member Michael Overy has asked if there are any elderly members in the Lowestoft area who need help to be able to go fishing on a regular basis. If this is something that might interest you then please get in touch with the Chairman so he can put you in contact with him.


Anglers are reminded that the opening and closing times displayed are the times you can enter, or must have left, the site. They are not set up or tackle down times.

This has been pretty well kept to but there have been a couple of recent incidents picked up so worth a reminder.

Society Members are also reminded that the far bank of Pit 2 is strictly out of bounds. The bank is dangerous and only accessed for work parties.


As previously publicised, the next phase of this is the major works involved in redeveloping Pit 3 as an exclusive Tench and Crucian Carp water.

Extensive work has been going on behind the scenes to engage with various authorities and adjacent land owners to secure the permissions we need and apply for grants.

On site preparatory work has been started by the Thursday work parties with bankside and bund vegetation being reduced ahead of contractors arriving on site.

We also need to remove the fish and water to allow the silt to dry as much as possible before it is removed and spread around the lake.

Please keep an eye on Facebook or our website for further announcements, particularly those asking for help as there will be a significant amount of work involved.



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