DATE CHANGE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - please be advised that, due to venue availability, this years Society AGM will now be held at Sole Bay Bowls Club, Halesworth Road, Reydon on Thursday 13th April 2023, 7.30pm for 8pm start. The Chairman has been advised that our Secretary Paul Watson will be standing down this year. This is a key role in the Society, anybody interested in standing for the position is asked to contact the Chairman as soon as possible.
The Committee would like to use this opportunity to thank Paul for his work and support given during his time in office.
These are an essential part of running a successful Society and all members are encouraged to come along and put something back in to the hobby that gives participants so much pleasure.
Not only do they help ensure a clean and safe environment for everybody enjoying our facilities, they can be a great laugh and help introduce members to each other. Even the odd hour of help makes a difference to what can be achieved and helps to keep the cost of running the Society, and subsequently the subscription levels, as low as possible.
Please try and give them your support.
SATURDAY WORK PARTIES - Members are advised that as the Reydon site closed season started on 1st March, the Saturday work parties have now started.
Some of the regular attendees have other commitments this year which is leaving the numbers attending rather light. Please try and give your support to these as without it we may not be able to complete the work necessary to keep the venue to the standards we strive to achieve. We can only do the work that the numbers attending allow us to do so even if you can only give a few hours, it will make a positive difference.
If you can attend, they run from 8am untill 12 noon most Saturdays from now untill the 27th May.
THURSDAY WORK PARTIES - the Thursday work parties continue to be held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. This months are programmed for Thursday 9th and 23rd March, starting at 10am and running till mid afternoon (or however long you can stay for) This weeks work had been programmed for pit 1 tree cutting but the priority has been switched to sorting out a few of the swims that need attention and completing the installation of the 50th anniversary commemorative bench.