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Open Meeting Thursday 25th Nov




Chairman - Mr B. Reid

24 Royal Avenue,



NR32 4HH

Tel: 01502 518198

Dear Member,

Alternative Arrangements - Open Meeting Thursday 25th November 2021

You will hopefully be aware from your Membership Book cover that an open meeting was planned for the above date. Due to some teething problems, as a result of the lockdown and subsequent changes in venue management and usage, and the fact that the number of Covid cases are still pretty high, the Committee have agreed that the planned meeting should not go ahead.

However, this is seen as an important event as it encourages feedback and suggestions from our members and allows the committee to provide background information on how, or why, certain things are done. You are therefore invited to submit questions, suggestions, comments or concerns to the above email address, postal address or through the website “contact us” option. These will be collated, and the Committee will then discuss them and provide feedback to all members through the website.

Any communication must be received by midnight on Thursday 25th November 2021.

Please remember, that all communications received will be published on-line (may be a summarised version if lengthy) so by making any submission it will be assumed that you have provided your consent for this to be done.

One matter that the Committee would particularly like feedback on is that next year will be the Society’s 50th Anniversary, any suggestions on things the Committee could consider doing to mark this significant event would be welcome.

If you have received this letter in hard copy, it is because we do not have your email address. If you have an email, please let us know as it will save the Society both time and money.

Looking forward to your feedback,

Yours sincerely,

Barry Reid - Chairman

Southwold & District Freshwater Angling Preservation Society



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